go to goldenrod city get the squirtbottle spray it on the wiggly tree and you battle sudwoodo
Sudowoodo can learn it just lvl up
Go to where you caught/battled Sudowoodo, and to the right, there's a fatty who gives it to you!
After you battle Sudowoodo, the man near the ruins of alpha entrance will thank you and give you rock smash.
No you will need Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum to trade you a Sudowoodo.
Sudowoodo can learn it just lvl up
in route 36 after you have defeted or captured sudowoodo
If it helps, Sudowoodo doesn't like water. In Pokemon Crystal, you get rid of Sudowoodo with a squirtbottle. As you haven't got that now, the next best thing is probably a water-type pokemon. No guarantees though.
its called rocksmash you get it after you catch sudowoodo from a fat guy near it
after you beat sudowoodo go to the left there is a fat guy in blue he gives it to you
Go to where you caught/battled Sudowoodo, and to the right, there's a fatty who gives it to you!
After you battle Sudowoodo, the man near the ruins of alpha entrance will thank you and give you rock smash.
No you will need Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum to trade you a Sudowoodo.
On Silver you can find it in bushes near the Sudowoodo spot. On Gold it's nowhere (Growlithe takes its place). Not sure about Crystal, sorry.
East of the National Forest.
Once you either defeat or catch Sudowoodo go to the left and talk to the man. He gives you TM 28, Rocksmash.