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it's a sudowoodo, water it with the wailmer pail, get that in rustboro flower shop

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Q: What Pokemon is the wiggly tree at the battle frontier in emerald?
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What do you do after the wiggly tree - emerald?

If you're talking about the wiggly tree on the battle frontier, it's sudowudo. Use the wailmer pail on it and you can battle and catch it. After surf along the path and you'll end up in artisan's cave. I think there's a rare candy in there and a lot of smeargle.

What is the rock in Pokemon emerald?

Well, actually, it depends on which rock you mean. If you mean the "wiggly rock" at the battle frontier, then that's actually a Sudowoodo, and it attacks you when you water it with a wailmer pail, giving you access to Artisans Cave, filled with Smeargle, a Pokemon that copies the first attack that you use against it. Other rocks are either smashed by rock smash of pushed by strength.

Where is the sudowoodo on Pokemon Crystal?

go to goldenrod city get the squirtbottle spray it on the wiggly tree and you battle sudwoodo

How do you get rid of the wiggly tree in Pokemon crystal version?

water it with a spray can, its a sudowoodo. you can battle and catch it too, because that is the only one you will find in that game

How to get flash on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You find it after you fight the wiggly tree.

How do you catch the wiggly tree in Pokemon crystal?

put the controller down and get a life!

How do you catch that wiggly tree Pokemon in Battle Frontier on Pokemon Emerald?

you must first obtain a wailmer pale which is in the pretty petal flower shop right outside of rustboro city. go out to the tree and press a it will ask you if you want to water it say yes and it will become anrgy and battle you it is actually a sudowoodo at level 30 make sure you stock up on ultra balls and try to catch it save before you talk to it because it is the only one in the game good luck That i right, also if you want another sudowoodo just put it in the daycare with a ditto (to get a ditto either trade it from firered or go to the fossil maniac's house and go into the cave and there are loudread and ditto there) and they will have eggs :) Actually, when I battled it in Emerlad, Mr. Firstanswerman, it was Lv. 40.

In Pokemon silver how do you get past the wiggly tree?

you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)

Where do you get Wiggly Puff in Pokemon HeartGold?

You cant get you need to catch a jigglypuff and you give it a moon stone

When was It's a Wiggly Wiggly World created?

It's a Wiggly Wiggly World was created on 2000-03-20.

How do you cut the wiggly tree on Pokemon emerald?

you have to spray it with a wailmer pail (may be spelt incorectly), make sure to have decent Pokemon or at least have a master ball because a lvl 40 sudowoodo will Battle you. tip: make sure not to try to kill it, for its the only one you find in emerald.

In Pokemon silver how do you get past the wiggly Pokemon blocking the path?

!!THIS IS THE REAL ANSWER!! YOU HAVE TO WATER IT!! I HOPED THIS HELPS U OUT!! Obtain the "squirtbottle" from a woman in a house full of flowers in goldenrod city (northish part of town) after defeating the goldenrod gym leader. After this, use the quirt bottle on the wiggly pokemon. yea but youre trying to get to golden rod city and the bottle is in the place that your trying to get to