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you can only catch some like heatran regigigas gira tina and in di0omond dialga and palkia in pearl you find them at spear pillar

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Q: How do you catch all the legendary on Pokemon pearl?
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What are all Pokemon that are not legendary available to catch in Pokemon Pearl?

I could tell you all the Pokemon in pearl that are not legendary but there are about 482 of them. :) ____________________ hi, I'm the person that asked thiS, but, can you list the rare ones then?? also, can i find ditto??

Where can you catch all legendary in Pokemon pearl without action reaplay?

u cant

Can you still catch a Palkia on Pokemon pearl if you killed it on mt. cornet?

No, you cannot. This is true of all legendary Pokemon.

Is mew legendary?

Yes, it is legendary. It has the DNA of all Pokemon plus atonishing powers too! YOu cannot catch it in POkemon Diamond and Pearl, unless you use the cheat codes or migrate it.

How catch legendary Pokemon in Pokemon deluge?

defeat all gyms,elite 4 and champion of that region to catch legendary pokemon

How do you get all the legendary Pokemon in Pearl?

get all Pokemon you hav to lvl 100

How do you get any Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl?

catch it

How do you catch all 32 legendary pokemon?

to catch all legendary Pokemon buy a action replay and select challenge. use on firered,leafgreen,emerald,diamond pearl topaz.then go to 6 or 7 island and go in the dotted hole and there will be thirty-two chambers good luck

Why is moltres so hard to catch?

Moltres is a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are harder to capture.

Can you catch all legendary Pokemon in Pokemon diamond WITHOUT hacks?


What are all the legendary Pokemon on pearl and diamond?

the legendary Pokemon you can catch in pkm d/p is dialga (diamond), palkia (pearl), cresselia, regigigas, heatran, arceus (event pkm), darkrai (event pkm), shaymin (event pkm) , azelf, uxie, mesprit. and giratina

Where do you do after you beat the Pokemon league on Pokemon Pearl?

catch all the Pokemoncatch all the Pokemon