Yes, it is legendary. It has the DNA of all Pokemon plus atonishing powers too! YOu cannot catch it in POkemon Diamond and Pearl, unless you use the cheat codes or migrate it.
Mew is a Psychic-type legendary Pokemon.
there is no female and male in legendary Pokemon because its suposed to be just one of a kind so ...... no you cant breed mew
Celibi. mew. NOOOOOOOOOOO. it is jarichi.
No. ho-oh is a bird. Mew is a whassamalacallithingamabobwhatever. they're both legendary pokies though.
Not to my knowledge but if you have emerald you can duplicate it. Mew is a legendary Pokemon that is not bredable. It does not have a gender either. you could always try a ditto.
mew is a legendary. legendary Pokemon don't evolve. Mew doesn't evolve and if u think mew evolves into mewtwo get lost!
Mew is a Psychic-type legendary Pokemon.
It was mew (:
Mew connot evolve because its a legendary mewtwo is not an evolution
No, because no legendary Pokemon can evolve.
No, you cannot breed Mewtwo and Mew together, they are both Legendary Pok
The rerest legendary Pokemon in any of the games is mew and arceus
Mew is a legendary pokemon,phsycic type pokemon,that evolves into Mewto. ^Mew doesnt evolve
Mew is the nicest pokemon
Mew and Mewtwo cannot breed because they are both legendary. Mewtwo is just a failed clone of the original Mew.
Sorry you can't catch mew, once you advance in the game you can catch a legendary/special mewtwo (evolved mew).
This is not doable. Mew is a legendary, therefore it cant evovle. Mewtwo is a different Pokemon from mew... and mewthree does not exist. -pokeman