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It's simpler if you buy a Masterball and have high stat Pokemon.

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Q: How do you catch a legendary in Pokemon Vortex?
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Do you have to beat the champions before you catch legendaries on Pokemon Vortex?

yes you have to defeat all the champions before catching a legendary pokemon

Is cryogonal a legendary in Pokemon Vortex?

no he is not

What is the name for haxorus in Pokemon Vortex?

it is legendary

What is the chance of finding a legendary pokemon on Pokemon Vortex?


Is there a cheat to capture legendary Pokémon in Pokemon vortex?

nope there is no cheat in Pokemon vortex unless you play on computer

Is lumineon a legendary in Pokemon Vortex?

Umar yes it is legendary, But it is very rare to find

When can you catch a legendary Pokemon in Pokemon vortex?

Well, first off, you must defeat all gyms and all the elite four, then you go onto a map, and hunt them! You should find them in 30 minutes to 1 hour and a half (Maybe even every 1000 steps) If your still having trouble, I will give you a free legendary, called 'Moltress' Pokemon Vortex account name: xCroat- MSN: P.S. All legendary Pokemon can only be caught by a masterball By Pokemon Vortex Help

How do you catch the legendary pokemon in pokemon black?

You have to defeat the elite four then you can catch the legendary

What do you have to do to get legendary Pokemon on pk vortex?

Use a master ball

What is the Pokemon vortex?

Pokemon vortex is a website where u can play pokemon game! Catch pokemon, battle with friends, collect badges, complete events and sidequest, buy pokemons, get money and legendary pokemons from lottery and much more to go in the website here is the link - (copy it and paste it!)

How do you catch Deoxys in Pokemon lake?

you have to get more then 45 gym to catch legendary Pokemon! deoxys is a legendary Pokemon

What are all the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Vortex?

walk around randomly or buy them at the pokemart