I think you can catch female snorunts in routes 216,217 and Acuity Lakefront with poke radar.
First- your snorunt has to be a girl or you can't evolve it into a froslass. Use a dawn stone on the girl snorunt
The massage girl is in Veilstone. Her massages make your Pokemon more friendly, and get you Pokemon accessories! Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!
There is a girl swimmer on route 223
u cant. character justs stands there lookin at her
the trainer is on route 217 south-west of acuity lakefront and Snowpoint city. it's a skier girl in the South-west corner
you need to catch a girl snorunt at lake acuity and give it a dawn stone.
you need to use the poke rader and find a girl snorunt and give it a dawn stone and it will evolve in to froslass
you cant catch it in gold if its a boy you can catch it in blue if its a girl you can catch it in purple
first you must get a girl snorunt and evolve it with a dawn stone but if you want a glalie evolve it with a rare candy to lvl. 42
you can catch girl Machockes around Snowpoint city
the girl on iron island has one.
In the eterna forest. but you have to be with cheryl to catch it ( the girl who has chansey.
you evolve a girl snorunt into froslass
Kirlia (male), Snorunt (female). Those are the only Pokemon I can remember that evolves from a Dawn Stone. Hope this helped!
A male Kirlia into Gallade, and a female Snorunt into froslass.
First- your snorunt has to be a girl or you can't evolve it into a froslass. Use a dawn stone on the girl snorunt
u cant catch a vespiqueen u have to catch a combee (has to be a girl) then when it evolves voila!!!!! u have a vespiqueen (or u could just use an action replay)