A male Kirlia into Gallade,
and a female Snorunt into froslass.
you need a dawn stone to evolve it
In Pokemon Flora Sky, the Dawn Stone can be obtained by winning the Bug Catching Contest in the Johto region. The Bug Catching Contest takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays in the National Park. You can participate in the Bug Catching Contest by talking to the contest judge at the entrance of the National Park. Be sure to catch the highest scoring bug Pokemon to win the Dawn Stone as a prize.
Roserade doesn't evolve. If you mean Roselia, you need to use a dawn stone on it to make it evolve.
Yes, Sunkern does evolve in Pokémon Silver. ya he evolves but you need a leaf stone and to get a leaf stone you have to talk to bills grandpa in kanto and you have to show him a Pokemon and he will give you a leaf stone.
You can't, unfortunately. :c Gallade was made in the 4th generation of Pokemon, and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness was set to take place in the 3rd generation. Sinnoh Pokemon like Gallade, Electivire, Magmortar, and Pachirisu were in the fourth generation. The only games where you could get these Pokemon (and many other Sinnoh Pokemon) are Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum. Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn Pokemon were included in Pokemon XD, as well as many other games (not all together; that was only in Colosseum. Separately, as in each region/generation had its own game). If you want Pokemon info like how to get what, then go to Serebii.net. It's a very good source. (By the way, to get a Gallade in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you need to use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia.) C:
you need a dawn stone to evolve it
You need a Pokemon with the move Rock Smash.
you cant evolve froslass but you can use a dawn stone on snorunt You need to use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolve it. The Dawn Stone won't work with a male Snorunt.
You'll need to evolve a female Snorunt with a Dawn Stone.
You need to give it a Fire Stone.
you need to use a dawn stone on a female glalie.
a froslass is good pokemon you need a female snorunt to give her a dawn stone to evolve it she can learn thunderbolt :)
you need to catch a girl snorunt at lake acuity and give it a dawn stone.
To get Gallade, you need to use a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia.
Yes if i remember correctly just use a Dawn Stone or its the Oval Stone to evolve it it does not need to be friendly with you.
You need a Snorunt. I think, the pre- evolved form of Froslass and Glalie. Then you need a certain stone I believe. Try the new stones. Shiny Stone Dawn Stone Dusk Stone...
#478 is Froslass To get one, you need to give a female Snorunt a dawn stone.