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u cant catch a vespiqueen u have to catch a combee (has to be a girl) then when it evolves voila!!!!! u have a vespiqueen (or u could just use an action replay)

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Q: Were is there a vespiquen in Pokemon diamond?
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How do you find a Vespiquen in Pokemon Diamond?

Evolve a female combee at level 21

What type of Pokemon is Vespiquen?

Vespiquen is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.

Is vespiquen a legendary Pokemon?

No. Vespiquen is not a legendary.

Where to find some good bug type Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

You Can Use Vespiquen Which Evolves From A Female Combee And Level 23

Where can you find a vespiquen in Pokemon diamond?

If you have a Combee, a vespiqueen can evolve at level 21. Or the First Elite Leauge dude has it.

In Pokemon Diamond how do you get Vespiquen using action replay codes?

y3ah h0w d0 u g3t 1t 1t?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????

What evolves into the queen bee in Pokemon Pearl?

Do you mean vespiquen. If it's vespiquen then combee evolves into vespiquen.

What are the best bug type Pokemon on Pokemon pearl?

The answer is Vespiquen.

What is the national pokedex number for Vespiquen?

Vespiquen is #416 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Flying type Pokemon.

How do you get a vespqean in Pokemon pearl?

Not sure how to get the vespiquen, but if you slather Honey on a tree, then you might come across a combee. Then, you can level the combee up and itll evolve into a vespiquen.

What is a good Pokemon Combo to beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Diamond?

A good team combo would be: torterra, infernape, empoleon, dialga, drapion, and staraptor. If you cant do that then do: Golduck, Infernape, Cacturne, Dialga, Vespiquen, and Staraptor. HOPE THIS HELPS! :D

How do you get a Vespiquen in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Get a combee from the pokewalker and level it up so it evolves.