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make sure you have 3 speedy and strong lv.50 Pokemon.He has a dragonite,rhyperior,and a milotic.All you need really is alot of carbos and protein's a quick claw wouldn't hurt ORRRRRRR you could just use your action replay to never face him.

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Q: How do you battle the tower tycoon?
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Where can you fight tycoon palmer in the battle tower?

after you get contunious battle wins at the battle tower

Where do you find tower tycoon?

U Find Him At The Battle Tower Located In The Battle Frontier

What is the prize for beating the tower tycoon?

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the prize for beating the Tower Tycoon at the Battle Tower is the Tower Tycoon Ribbon, which is awarded to your Pokémon.

Do you start all over again if you lose a battle in the battle tower?

If you've beaten tower tycoon palmer,it will not be lost but your win streak will

Who is palmer in Pokemon platinum?

He is your rival's dad also the Battle Tower Tycoon.

When do you battle the tower tycoon Palmer a first time in Pokemon pearl?

after you defeat 20 people in a row at the battle tower he is the 21st one u face

Maximun Battle Points for Pokemon Diamond?

Maxinum battle points i think it is 20 if you defeat Tower Tycoon Palmer.

That guy in the green jacket that ran into me byacceint at the battle tower how do i get to fight him?

He is the tower tycoon if you win over 21 battles you get to fight him.

How do you find the tower tycoon?

You can find him when you go to the battle tower and battle on single, he's the 21st and the 49th trainer you face there (last trainer on the 3rd and 7th bunch of 7 trainers).

When do you battle the tower tycoon Palmer a second time in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Get a 48 wining streak.

What is the trophy in your room on Pokemon soul silver?

you get a silver trophie when you beat the tower tycoon palmer in a 21 battle.

Who's the guy at the battle tower?

He is known as Tower Tycoon Palmer. In Single Battle Mode, if you complete 21 and 49 consecutive battles he will challenge you. He will ackowledge you as a firend of your rival and ask to battle. Defeating him gains additional BP.