you can go back to Twinleaf and go to your rival's house, i dont know maybe what i did was what happens when i use too many cheats. i used lots of cheats to do get a 100 win streak in the battle tower
you get 20 BP you get 20 BP
about 40 to 50. (it worked for me in Pokemon platinum) hope this helps
to get bp (battle points) you have to beat people in the battle tower.
after you beat your rival at battle tower he will reappear every so often
you cant beat the battle tower
you get 20 BP you get 20 BP
At the fight area (after you beat the Pokemon league)
about 40 to 50. (it worked for me in Pokemon platinum) hope this helps
you get a silver trophie when you beat the tower tycoon palmer in a 21 battle.
to get bp (battle points) you have to beat people in the battle tower.
after you beat your rival at battle tower he will reappear every so often
you cant beat the battle tower
all you have to do is beat elite four
You can go to battle tower, vs you rival, catch legendary pokemon you can catch garratina in dimond look on youtube.
you cannot ever beat the battle tower. but if you have completed the sinnoh pokedex then the battle tower will help you complete it. you can battle at the battle tower as long as you want.
Use Pokemon that cover each other's weaknesses Infernape, empoleon, torterra... Garchomp, Metagross, Kyogre... Etc.
You have to beat the mayor at the realgam tower. Then you should see a red diamond above the outskirt stand.