you cannot ever beat the battle tower. but if you have completed the sinnoh pokedex then the battle tower will help you complete it. you can battle at the battle tower as long as you want.
There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.
in the battle tower
to get bp (battle points) you have to beat people in the battle tower.
after you beat your rival at battle tower he will reappear every so often
He's another partner in the battle tower multi battle
There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.
after you battle 7 trainers in the battle tower you will get 3bp
The Battle Tower
in fight area
battle tower
in the battle tower
You have to win 100 battles in the battle tower
At the fight area (after you beat the Pokemon league)
We can get other regions starter Pokemon if we defeat the battle tower
The Pokemon you see do not go in your pokedex.
Yes. She will be your partner when you battle multimode.
you can get it by exchanging battle points at the battle tower. Enjoy =]