You can get it by clicking on this link: http://www.garyshood.com/rsclient/ click on the lower screen and click "auto typer & auto clicker, and download. you dont gotta save it so choose no if you want. Click on the small box and choose either auto typer or autoclicker.
Since i have 99 magic and i got it all alching i can answer this :) Ok it took me from 70-99 about 2hrs a day about 2 months but this is 2hrs a day if you play for about 8 hrs a day you can get in about 3 weeks, goodluck :)
When you download it, click on it and it should look like this.
In Runescape, You receive 65 Magic XP for every High Alchemy spell that is cast.
depends if ur high or low alching and what ur alching, but count on sumwhere between 2.9 and 3m
Have the noted item that you are alching in the space third from the bottom on the left side of your inventory. -------------- If that's not what you meant please rephrase your question.
About 2.5M
On youtube search boombang auto clicker mediafire or have this auto Auto Click 3.0 by shocker Hope i helped c:
You can get it by clicking on this link: http://www.garyshood.com/rsclient/ click on the lower screen and click "auto typer & auto clicker, and download. you dont gotta save it so choose no if you want. Click on the small box and choose either auto typer or autoclicker.
right click and then click auto hide
Making your own Yew Longbows is ok.
Since i have 99 magic and i got it all alching i can answer this :) Ok it took me from 70-99 about 2hrs a day about 2 months but this is 2hrs a day if you play for about 8 hrs a day you can get in about 3 weeks, goodluck :)
search an auto clicker. never download from someone it could be a hack. search an auto clicker.
Right click on your cd/dvd drive. click on properties. you will see many tabs with auto play one of them. Click on it, enable and configure auto play for different disk types.
Either double click on a monster, or click on a monster and click auto attack or 1 on your keyboard.