In Runescape, You receive 65 Magic XP for every High Alchemy spell that is cast.
175 exp
37,224 XP ~Toad. Seven... and a HALF!
Every skill in Runescape needs the same amount of xp to get to lvl 99. The xp until lvl 99 in ANY skill (including Range) is:Approximate: 13,000,000Exact: 13,034,431So basically 13mil xp. ;)
stunning is slightly better and costs a lot more. Stun - 300 gp per Alch - 75 gp loss per Alching is 65 xp, stunning is 80... (numbers are approx.) always alch unless your super rich though..
101,333 xp.
135 xp. Go to TheRedJoker.Webs.Com to find out more and join the biggest clan in runescape.
50 Fishing XP 77 Cooking XP
Casting high alchemy can grant up to 78,000 magic experience per hour if casted efficiently.
175 exp
The total exp is 13,034,431 experience for a 99 stat on RuneScape.
37,224 XP ~Toad. Seven... and a HALF!
A LOT. :p
50XP for fishing 70XP for cooking