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You can get it by clicking on this link: click on the lower screen and click "auto typer & auto clicker, and download. you dont gotta save it so choose no if you want. Click on the small box and choose either auto typer or autoclicker.

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Q: How do you download RS auto typer?
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Related questions

What is the most popular auto typer software?

There are many options for auto typer software available on the internet. Some of the most popular are Auto Typer, Ultimate Auto Typer, Cok Free Auto Typer and Auto Talker.

How do you autotype on RuneScape?

Download a bot. on such bot is available at:

What is the rsbot download link?

there are many rsbots but if you want an auto-typer and auto-clicker try looking for rsclient garyshood. hope i helped

What is an auto typer?

A bot that lets you repeatedly "type" your message you put in on it. It is illegal in a lot of games and I suggest you do not download one. Many bots contain viruses. i made one. it is at and i garuntee, it does not have viruses

How do you get RuneScape auto typer for mac?

try using 'gary's hood' auto typer/clicker. it is commonly used because it is easy to use but does the job ;)

Whats a good free auto typer?


How do you get crisisx runescape private server auto clicker? number 1 auto typer auto clicker and more.

How do you get auto typer for an apple mac?

The sky fall by :Adel is wow

How do you hack typing pal?

you get a auto typer.

Are there any crossfire auto typers?

no. But you can just use any auto-typer. I don't recommend it though, you will be banned swiftly

How do you hack typing web so it types for you?

Download this program call ultimate typer

How can you get an auto typer for runescape without downloading it?

You go here. You go to regular download, after you have filled out the survey. You can autoclick or autotype straight from your browser Enjoy:)