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hold the mouse down on it and press up/down arrow keys
It is impossible to do that.
before you place it you press the arrow key that goes up and you get to choose your color it depends on how many times you press it though
Type in a valid e-mail address and check your mail.
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Yes you can activate your club penguin acount not just at the till but at home aswell
you cant its a glitch only sometimes it works sorry
hold the mouse down on it and press up/down arrow keys
your parents have to activate it from the email club penguin sent to the email you put in the parents email
In the emal you used
You click it and once it pops up press the space bar, or the back arrow, I can't remember which. :]
How to Activate a clubpenguin parant Account
Just click them
you scratch off the silver coating than go to club penguin type in the numbers and u are finished
You open your e-mail with an activation code, click on the link, and you activate your penguin so you can play with it.
you can activate it by putting in the plug