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it gives them false hopes and dreams of haveing powers and stuff that they will never get

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Q: How do video games affect children?
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Can video games affect children's learning?

esspecially if they play on it to long

Do violent video games affect kids?

Violent video games provide a window for children to vent. If children didn't have video games like Grand Theft Auto, they wouldn't know the consequences of stealing a car, or beating up a hooker. If I have played it in a video game, I probably wouldn't want to do it In real life.

Why are video games good for children?

Video games are fun.

Do video games affect the behavior of children?

No they do not, video games help your child with stress and have a fun hobby to do instead of getting in trouble. but the only way it will help them is if the parents are supportive with the child.

How do violent video games affect children?

Violent video games have a negative impact on the mind's of children, and teens. Generally, the viewer of the video game will have an urge to follow of copy what is happening in the video game. People are advised to follow the gereral ratings of the game (suggested by professionals). MW3, and Call of Duty are poor examples of violent video games. Both are rated M.

What percent of children get ADD from video games?

None, you can't get ADD from video games.

Why are video games bad for children?

there not!

How many hours do children play video games?

Some sites usually say that children play video games about an hour a day.

Do video games affect dogs?

Video games can affect everyone and everything around you if you negelect your basic duties in favor of playing video games. Things like, ignoring your pets, family, relatives, letting your sink pile up with dishes, etc. So long as you keep your dog fed, video games will not affect him/her.

What are worst video games for children?

The worst video games for children are violent video games because they teach the child playing the game to be violent and in some cases to make the child think that it is ok to be violent.

How video games affect children?

Video games can make no difference or a huge one. I got my first video game, the Game Boy at age five. it came with about 5-10 games and I played it non-stop. Currently I am looking for a Famicom on eBay, and I have over 500 individual games for various systems from the 70's to the present.

Why video games affect your brain?

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