61.7 percent of children play shooting and or violent games
I know many children play chess in France
I don't know about just Xbox, or globally, but 68% of U.S. children play on computer or video games at least 1 hour a day. Yes, I know. Disquieting... but not surprising.
I know a lot about violent video games because I researched on it, there are 90 percent of majority who are against video games and only 10 percent of majority who likes their children to play these violent video games!
Probably about 75% of kids would rather play video games _____________________________________________________ I play video games alot and im 11, but i like to read, and usuly my mom tells me to stop reading and to go play a video game.
Some sites usually say that children play video games about an hour a day.
About 70%
Yes, children do watch too much tv. That may be one of the reasons we have so many obese children. And yes they play too many video games.
Proboably about every single one of em'
There are many different kinds of video games that would be appropriate for a five year old. There are princess games, popular children's movie video games, and many other types of video games. Check your local video game store.
61.7 percent of children play shooting and or violent games
esspecially if they play on it to long
Video games, mostly shooting video games, and somtimes sports games, and other games like racing, RPG, ect.
It is considered by many Christians that T.v. and video games are not things that they or their children need to indulge in as they will take over there lives.