Gold ore is found at y=32 and below. This is the same depth that emerald and lapis lazuli can be found.
You need either an iron or diamond picaxe to mine gold ore
It appears from levels 2 - 29, with an average of 7.5 gold ore per chunk!
In normal Minecraft there is no such thing as butter. If you mean gold ore then no, you need an iron or diamond pickaxe.
you can use a iron pickaxe to mine it as this can mine every ore in minecraft
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.
the item ID for gold is 14
By smelting Gold Ore, you produce Gold Ingots.
You need either an iron or diamond picaxe to mine gold ore
It appears from levels 2 - 29, with an average of 7.5 gold ore per chunk!
Yes, gold is often found deep in the ground in ore deposits. It is mined by extracting the ore and then processing it to separate the gold from other minerals. This process involves crushing the ore, using chemicals to separate the gold, and finally smelting it to obtain pure gold.
In normal Minecraft there is no such thing as butter. If you mean gold ore then no, you need an iron or diamond pickaxe.
you can use a iron pickaxe to mine it as this can mine every ore in minecraft
You have to mine it using an Iron pick or better.
If you mean Redstone ore, found deep in caves, a Iron/Diamond Pickaxe is required.
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.
how can you find iron ore in minecraft.
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.