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Q: How can you teach super power to Scizor?
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How does scizor learn bullet punch?

Breed the scyther that you want and when it's level one, trade it holding the metal coat. After the trade it will evolve in Scizor. It will then learn bullet punch. I also think a move tutor can teach bullet punch to Scizor.

At what level does Scizor learn Bullet Punch?

you have to get the move tutor to teach it to him by giving him a heart scale.

What does scizor evolve into?

Scizor doesn't evolve.

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Luxray or Scizor Other Person-Scizor or Lucario

What type of Pokemon is Scizor?

Scizor is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.

What Pokemon scizor bellossom or heracross?

well bellossom has a good sp def. and it doesnt have a double weakness, but heracross and scizor have really good attacks and scizor has better defenses than heracross overall i'd choose scizor

How do you evolve Scyther into scizor?

Fisrt, you give it a metal coat. Then, you have to trade it! Lastly, you you have Scizor.

How do you Rescue Scizor in explorers of darkness?

To rescue Scizor in Explorers of Darkness, you need to unlock the Marine Resort location and complete the missions there until you encounter Scizor. Rescue Scizor by defeating the Pokemon that has lured it into a trap. This will make Scizor grateful and it will join your rescue team.

Which one is better Togekiss or Scizor?

Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.

How do you get scizor in Pokemon sapphire?

you can't get scizor and not even syther in Pokemon sapphire, only by trading

How do you discover your super power?

You don't discover your super power... You have to go to the island left after you get your super power card they give you your power handcuffs.

What is Hercules' Super Power?

Hercules Super power is to be strong