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Look at the top of the back of the pamphlet included in your Sims 2 box.

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Q: How can you get your registration code for your sims 2 game?
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Why is it every time I try to register my sims 2 onto the website game it says my code is invalid?

You probably downloaded the game illegally and the registration code won't work the only way to register sims 2 is to buy it from a store

Where is the registration code for sims 2 deluxe?

its on the very back of the manual at the top

What is the registration code for sims 2 ea games?

i don't know EA Cheat Codes or my registration and i don't know How to Join EA Online

Can someone give you an un used registration code for sims 2?


Where can you download custom furniture for sims 2?

There are many places where you can download things for The Sims 2.Some of them is called Around The Sims 2, Parsimonious, The Sims Recourse (requires registration) and ModTheSims (requires registration).See the related links below.

What is the insallation code for Sims 2 Deluxe?

you have to have it to install the game, every game has a different code, look on the very back of the manual to find the code

What is the register code for sims 2?

It will be on the back of your game manual at the top of the back cover.

What is the code for sims 2 apartment life?

You have to actually buy the game, not cheat for codes.

Where can you get a sims game instillation code?

first you go and buy the game for the PC and put the game in your PC you follow all of the instructions then when it asks you to put in the code you look at the back of your sims 2 manuel and put in the code at the top of the booklet and that your registing code srry if that not what you ment hope this helps :D

Where is the registering code for the Sims 2 located on the CD?

on the back of the instrictions booklet that comes with the game

Can you put sims game on 2 computers?

u can put sims on as much computers as u want u just need the code

Is there a sims game that you do not need any other game to install it?

1. The Sims 2. 2. the Sims 2 Stories. 3. the Sims 2 Castaway.