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First you need to get a ditto and then put it in the daycare. Then give a different Pokemon the master ball that you have and put it in the daycare with ditto. Check your poketch and see if you have an egg and if you do when that egg hatches then it will have a master ball with it.

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Q: How can you get multiple master balls?
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Related questions

How do you get multiple master balls?

you attach a master ball to a ditto

Can you duplicate master balls if you used it already?

No. However, you can clone a Master Ball on Emerald. There are also codes to get multiple Master Balls.

How do you get multiple master balls in Pokemon Crystal?

ok follow my steps in my video it is called steps to get master balls :) type back

How do you get multiple master balls without the action replay in black and white?


How do you get multiple master balls in Pokemon pearl?

You can either trade with someone who has a master ball or you can use a gameshark, there is only one master ball in a game

How can you duplicate master balls?

You cannot duplicate master balls.

How many ultra balls to equal a master ball?

you cant measure out ultra balls to equal master balls. master balls are just a lot better.

Easy way to catch rare Pokemon in platinum?

trade for master balls online. particularly people who can hack them and multiple them.

Where do you buy Master Balls?

You cannot BUY master balls. You only get 1 master ball in the game.

How do you buy master balls?

From what I know, You can't BUY master balls in Pokemon.

How can i get 493 master balls in HeartGold?

with action replay you can get 999 master balls

What is the number of master balls that are allowed on Pokemon Fire Red?

well the max of master balls you can get is 999 but you can only get more master balls in trades.