ok follow my steps in my video it is called steps to get master balls :) type back
You can get 2 Master Balls in both versions.
well the max of master balls you can get is 999 but you can only get more master balls in trades.
You Can't
You cannot duplicate Master Balls in any Pokemon game.
Duplicate Pokemon with a masterball attached to them.
Attach your master ball to ONE POKEMON, next CLONE that Pokemon for how many master balls you want. Next detach them, and release all the clones (if you want)
You can get 4 master balls in pokemon crystal. 1st 2nd & 3rd: AFTER you defeat the gym leaders of Johto find prof.oak & he will give you 3 master balls! 4th: AFTER you beat the elete 4 and the champion you go to prof.elm and he will give you 1 master ball!
You can either trade with someone who has a master ball or you can use a gameshark, there is only one master ball in a game
sorry u can't this glitch is only in emerald and gold silver and crystal.
i have tried multiple mobile versions of Pokemon and as far as i can tell no cloning will work therefore there is no way to duplicate anything as you normally have to put the masterball (or other item) on a Pokemon then clone. so without cloning there is no duplicating.
From what I know, You can't BUY master balls in Pokemon.
Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon
Getting master balls without cheating in Pokemon DP is very hard. The only ways are: to win the lottery in Jubilife City, or receive a Pokemon that has a master ball from trading. I have 2 master balls in my game. I traded with a person who had a Pokemon with a master ball.
You can get 2 Master Balls in both versions.
trade for master balls online. particularly people who can hack them and multiple them.