

Best Answer

Do something bad. Here are some things you can do:

#1: Give your accout to anyone or just pretend. Go to Club Penguin and go to the home page. Click on Contact Us at the bottom. Select anything and type your penguin name and email address in the right place. Now in the big place, type this message:

Haha! Did u know I told someone my penguin account? Well, I did! I don't care so Haha!

You could get banned if you tell someone your account if they know so that's a great way to get banned!

#2: Go to your igloo and make sure there's nobody in there. Say bad words. You'll get banned probebly! The reason why there should be nobody is because there might be little kids who don't know bad words and they might say it.

#3: Say personal stuff but not your real one because someone could come over to your house or call you! Say this:

The place I live in is called Calgary. It's in Canada! My name is Jamie!

This is not me through! ^ I swear it's not me. I made it up.

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Q: How can you get banned forever on Club Penguin?
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If you swear on club penguin you will be banned from club penguin for so long then you will be allowed back on unless you get banned FOREVER!!! willrr...

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To make it work just log in. If you are banned, wait until your are un-banned. If you are banned forever, your club penguin account is gone forever.

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Yep....Happened to be before

Why do you get banned forever if you go on Rose Vines account on club penguin?

Because the makers of club penguin do it

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How do you die on Club Penguin?

Its impossible to die on club penguin. But you can get banned for a day or forever.

What do you say to get banned forever on clubpenguin?

say i love club penguin 24 times and u will get banned forever

Club penguin how to get your penguin back from banned forever?

Contact clubpenguin and BEG! Rofl...