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Unless you are fully banned, like forever then you can't unban yourself.

If it is tine limited you have to wait for that amount of time.

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Q: How can you unban your banned Club Penguin account on Club Penguin?
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I think you can but as I've seen you can unban yourself

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There is a way. You can wait for how long you've been banned or if your banned forever you can ask club penguin to unban you in a way you didnt do anything.

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You cannot unban a Club Penguin account. You have to wait until the ban is up. You could also call up club penguin and ask them why your banned. They might take it off. And if you don't know that email you created it on if they ask for it, they might be able to figure it out.

How do you get unnbanned on Club penguin?

you ether wait until your ban is up or if is banned for life you can't unban yourself

How do you get into Club Penguin when you are banned?

Create a new account.

How do you unban your penguin when you are banned on Club Penguin?

You can't. You could try appealing to the Club Penguin people, but you would need to be able to show why they should take the ban off your account. If you did something that was against their Terms of Use or other rules, you probably won't be able to be unbanned. Some people try to get another Club Penguin membership. This may or may not work, depending on how the ban was placed on your account.

How do you make your account work on club penguin again?

To make it work just log in. If you are banned, wait until your are un-banned. If you are banned forever, your club penguin account is gone forever.

Why do you get banned forever if you go on Rose Vines account on club penguin?

Because the makers of club penguin do it

How do you get rid of your account in Club Penguin?

Get banned. Or give it to someone.

How do you get banned on Club Penguin then back on?

If you get banned you can't get back on unless you make another account.

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