You have to go back to cureleon and a team rocket guy has it but he keeps running away until you get to golden bridge and then he tells you that its in the gym.
You go to cerulean cape to talk to misty then you go back to the gym and battle her
Go to the Cerulean City Gym!
moltres=mt silver zapdos=powerplant articuno=seafoam islands you have to beat the 6th gym leader in kanto to catch em
Once you get the powerplant back working, and you can go to Pallet town, you use Surf on the water in Pallet town and go down. There will be some trainers, but when you get to Cinnabar Island, Blue (Gary) will be there. Nothing else will be there though.
The powerplant one? Well. go to Mystys gym top mid-left of the Gym you will find Machine part, bring it back to the plant and your good!
you get it in the powerplant in Pokemon firered/leafgreen but in soulsilver/heartgold you get it in the grass out side of the powerplant
ceruleon city
After gaining all 16 gym badges, zapdos can be found by the powerplant
You find the next generator and fix that one.
u got to talk to the manager of curulins city's powerplant in kanto
It's hidden in the Cerulean Gym, in one of the inflatable life tubes.
You have to save the powerplant,then go talk to the person with the hat in kanto radio station with a brown fedora.
You go to cerulean cape to talk to misty then you go back to the gym and battle her
You do not receive the pokeflute in Pokemon heartgold. After you get the machine part in misty's gym and returned it to the powerplant you can get the kanto expansion card for your pokegear radio at laventer town radio tower. The pokeflute station is near the top
Go east on route 9 from Cerulean City go all the way until you cannot go eat anymore. Instead of going south go down the steps and then surf. While surfing you will be on route 10 and you will end up at the powerplant.
You have to fix the powerplant generator, by catching the team rocket member with the missing piece. They will then let you in.
Go in then talk to everyone when you come out the guard gets a call. He will ask you to go to the water gym in Cerulean. You will bump into a Team Rocket dude. he tells you where the machine part is. it is next to the top inner tubes. when you get it go back to the Power plant and talk to the manager. He will give you a Tm