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Because of the specialist parts inside it you cannot repair the band hero cymbals but if you head over to they should have the parts you are looking for

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Q: How Do you repair a band hero cymbal?
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Is band hero compatible with rock band II?

Yes, Band Hero Instruments are Compatible with Rock Band 2. And Rock Band 2 Instruments are compatible with Band Hero. Band Hero and Guitar Hero 5 ( when using the Rock Band 2 Drum) will display only the four pads (red, yellow, blue and green), and you can use the foot pedal. It does NOT have the issue it had with World tour (The Orange cymbal issue). If you use Band Hero Instruments on Rock Band 2. It will work but you will never have to use the orange cymbal. Extra Info (For PS3 Only) :Any Guitar Hero Drums Kit is Incompatible with Rock Band 1. However You can transfer all but three songs from RB1 to RB2 buy purchasing the export key from the PlayStation Store ( You must have the Rock Band 1 Game to transfer songs, you can borrow it or rent it just to transfer the songs and you won't need it afterward unless you Ps3 hard drive fails or something to that effect)

Can you use the rock band guitar drums and microphone for Guitar Hero or band hero?

guitar hero, yes, band hero, sometimes.

Can you play Guitar Hero with a guitar from rock band?

You can play Rock band with a guitar hero guitar, but you can't play Guitar Hero with a Rock Band guitar.

Can you play band hero without the drums?

Yes you can play band hero without the drums. In Band Hero (and Guitar Hero 5) You can make any combination of 4 instruments ( Guitars, Drums and Mics )

Does the Wii Guitar Hero guitar and drum set work with the new Wii Band Hero?

Yes it will work Band Hero is the same brand of Guitar Hero.

Related questions

Does the rock band drums and guitar work on Guitar Hero 3 legends of rock?

yes it does work for the guitar hero games. If you have an orange cymbal it will work. The 'Smash Hits' only works for the other colors on the Ion drum set since Rock Band does not use an orange pad/cymbal.

Does the rock band 2 cymbal pack work with the rock band 1 drums?

no. RB1 drums dont have cymbal outlets

Is band hero compatible with rock band II?

Yes, Band Hero Instruments are Compatible with Rock Band 2. And Rock Band 2 Instruments are compatible with Band Hero. Band Hero and Guitar Hero 5 ( when using the Rock Band 2 Drum) will display only the four pads (red, yellow, blue and green), and you can use the foot pedal. It does NOT have the issue it had with World tour (The Orange cymbal issue). If you use Band Hero Instruments on Rock Band 2. It will work but you will never have to use the orange cymbal. Extra Info (For PS3 Only) :Any Guitar Hero Drums Kit is Incompatible with Rock Band 1. However You can transfer all but three songs from RB1 to RB2 buy purchasing the export key from the PlayStation Store ( You must have the Rock Band 1 Game to transfer songs, you can borrow it or rent it just to transfer the songs and you won't need it afterward unless you Ps3 hard drive fails or something to that effect)

Will a guitar hero drumset work with rock band?

yes it will but it will only use the kick pedal and the 3 pads and one cymbal, unless they have changed it. Yes the yellow cymbal will work and all the others will too except the orange. To fix that you will need to follow this link.

Can you use rock band cymbals when you create a song in Guitar Hero?

The Guitar Hero Games do not separate the Cymbals from their matching Drum pad. Hitting the Yellow cymbal is the same as hitting the Yellow Drum Pad.

Can you buy band hero with guitar hero equipment If not what games can you buy with guitar hero equipment Already have the guitar hero Warriors of Rock Game?

i have the warriors of rock game also. you can play any type of rockband games with the warriors of rock equipment. i have two other rock band's that i play the drums with. the only thing is that it takes away the orange cymbal for the rock band games.

Can you play jukebox hero on rock band 2?

Yes you can use The rock Band 2 set with Band hero. The Band Hero (Guitar Hero) Drum set has the Orange cymbal, which is one more pad than the rock Band 2 drum set. Fortunately Band Hero Detects that and modifies it songs for the Rock Band 2 Drum Set.

Is rock band much more better than guitar hero?

i prefer guitar hero world tour because if ur a metallica fan, u can get guitar hero metallica and it would be compatible. rock band 2 is still cool because u can get a cymbal expansion set and get rock band beatles which i think will be kinda lame since i like metal.

Does Guitar Hero band work on band hero?

All Guitar Hero Instrument are compatible with Band Hero.

Can you use band hero instruments to play the beatles rock band?

No, guitar hero works with band hero, but guitar hero and band hero do not work with rock band and vice versa

Can you use the rock band guitar drums and microphone for Guitar Hero or band hero?

guitar hero, yes, band hero, sometimes.

When did Band Hero happen?

Band Hero happened in 2009.