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Yes you can play band hero without the drums.

In Band Hero (and Guitar Hero 5) You can make any combination of 4 instruments ( Guitars, Drums and Mics )

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Q: Can you play band hero without the drums?
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Can you play rock band on guitar hero drums?

You can play rock band drum on guitar hero drums band.

Can you play band hero without the instruments?

yes, yes you can

Can you play Guitar Hero games with rock band guitar and drums on PS3?

No, its the other way around. You can play guitar hero with rock band drums on the 360.

Can you play the ACDC Rock Band game with Band Hero drums?

no but you can play drums on world guitar hero 5 and warriors of rock :) hope this helped.

Can you play band hero drum with rock band?

You can play Band Hero Drum with Rock Band 2, not rock band 1 ( you have to transfer the songs from RB1 to RB2 to play with Band Hero Drums)

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Do guitar hero drums work on rock band 2?

well ive seen people play guitar hero with rock band drums so i don't see why not

How much do the drums for guitar hero 4 cost?

There are no drums on guitar hero. If you want to play drums in a video game try buying rock band. You can play guitar,sing and play the drums. I don't know how much it costs. ---- There are drums in guitar hero world tour but i don't know how much they cost because my rock band drum set was compatible with it, so I used that.

Can you play guitar hero world tour with rock band drums and guitar and microphone?

you can with mic and guitar, but not drums

Can you play drums on Guitar Hero 5?

yes you can with either the rock band drumset or guitar hero set

Can you play guitar hero 5 without a microphone?

Yes you can either get the Band Package: Guitar Hero Game, Drums, Guitar and Microphone or the single package only consisting of the Game and Guitar

Can you play rock band games with the guitar hero guitar in the xbox 360?

Yep, but the Rock Band drums won't work on the new guitar hero games.