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It can make it more likely to appear.

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Q: Does sweet scent make chansey appear?
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How do you get Blissey on Pokemon FireRed?

Go to the safaraii zone and sometimes youcan find a chansey then make it's defense go up high. I t will evolve when it gets high enough. Hints: Save before safaraii zone and restart if not found. Use a Pokemon that knows sweet scent and you won't have to waste any of your steps.

Where do you find torterra in Pokemon Pearl?

You get a carnivine & go to the grass near snowpoint & make the carnivine use sweet scent.

What level does happiny evolve into chansey?

Actually, Happiny doesn't have to level up in order to evolve into a Chansey. You have to make it hold an Oval Stone first. Then Give Chansey a shiny stone to evolve it into a blissy. ------------------------------ Chansey evolves when you befriend it (not by a stone).

How do you evolve chansey in pokmeon FireRed?

First you need to have a Chansey in your party. Chansey has to be the first one in your Pokemon party. Go to Pallet Town and go to the house next door. Not your house, but your rival house. There should be your rival's mother. Then you talk to her. She will say she's about to have tea and she will ask you to join her. then she will say that your Pokemon are dirty. she will ask you which one to groom. choose chansey. then talk to her again. she will explain to you on how your Pokemon should love you. she should say this about your chansey. "It couldn't possibly love you any more then it does now. Your Pokemon is happy beyond words." When she says this about your Chansey, then you know it is ready for chansey to evolve. just make chansey level up. once it levels up and the battle is over, it should show you that chansey to evolving into Blissey. I'm so happy i got it. it took a long time for me to make chansey very happy. just follow these steps and you will get yourself a Blissey. i hope i helped. By: lazyhl94

How do you make a chansey evolve on Pokemon?

Chansey doesn't evolve by level. You have to love her so much, you have to let her like you so much, by letting her always fight, caring about her health. And she can evolve to blisey! ♥Starbucks Princess♥

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How do you evolve chansey in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

It evolves when it's very happy. Not at a certain level. Ways to make Chansey happy: Catch Chansey with a Luxury Ball Use a Joy Scent on it Carry it in your party Give it a hold item that fosters friendship

What stone evolves chansey?

There is no stone. Need to make Chansey full hapiness.

How does the tiny ixora flower make itself more easily seen by insects?

By making a sweet scent

How do you get Blissey on Pokemon FireRed?

Go to the safaraii zone and sometimes youcan find a chansey then make it's defense go up high. I t will evolve when it gets high enough. Hints: Save before safaraii zone and restart if not found. Use a Pokemon that knows sweet scent and you won't have to waste any of your steps.

Does a ixora plant make a smell yes or no?

Yes, ixora plants produce fragrant flowers with a sweet scent.

Where do you find torterra in Pokemon Pearl?

You get a carnivine & go to the grass near snowpoint & make the carnivine use sweet scent.

Can you make chansey evolve by leaving it in the daycare?

No, you can't evolve Chansey or any Pokémon through the Daycare.

Does any one know how to make chansey evolve on Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

Make the Chansey Max Happy then level it up.

What level does happiny evolve into chansey?

Actually, Happiny doesn't have to level up in order to evolve into a Chansey. You have to make it hold an Oval Stone first. Then Give Chansey a shiny stone to evolve it into a blissy. ------------------------------ Chansey evolves when you befriend it (not by a stone).

What incense do you give chansey to make a happiny?

You give Chansey the Luck Incense if you want to hatch an Egg that hatches into a Happiny.

In Pokemon pearl will CHANSEY learn metronome?

Yea,it will my chansey learned it to but then make it uo to lv.100 and maybe itll work.

How does Chansey evolve in pokemon leafgreen?

u need to make chansey really really happy then level it up once then it evoles