chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
One needs to increase Chansey's happiness to its maximum.
Chansey > level up with max happiness > Blissey
First you need a chansey which firered and leafgreen can get then to evolve chansey it needs max friendship with its trainer it will then evolve to blissey.
The Oval Stone is an item in the Pokemon games which can be used to evolve certain Pokemon. For example, it can evolve Chansey.
you need to battle with it alot to make it happyer then it will evolve
Make the Chansey Max Happy then level it up.
for hapinny to evolve into a chansey
u need to make chansey really really happy then level it up once then it evoles
chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
One needs to increase Chansey's happiness to its maximum.
Chansey > level up with max happiness > Blissey
Happiny, into Chansey.
happiny into Chansey
Train a Chansey and will evolve.
You have to level it up when it likes you a lot.