Go to the safaraii zone and sometimes youcan find a chansey then make it's defense go up high. I t will evolve when it gets high enough.
Hints: Save before safaraii zone and restart if not found.
Use a Pokemon that knows sweet scent and you won't have to waste any of your steps.
First you need a chansey which firered and leafgreen can get then to evolve chansey it needs max friendship with its trainer it will then evolve to blissey.
Blissey has the highest potential HP of all Pokemon then (2004) and now (2011) with a maximum HP of 714.
Blissey is a Normal type pokemon.
if you mean the egg that makes happiny evolve, no. happiny didnt exist when fire red came out. plus, its impossible to find a wild blissey in the wild. the only way to get it to hold the egg is to migrate it to Pokemon diamond,pearl,platinum,heart gold, or soul silver and then give it to blissey after you catch it in pal park.
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
First you need a chansey which firered and leafgreen can get then to evolve chansey it needs max friendship with its trainer it will then evolve to blissey.
Blissey has the highest potential HP of all Pokemon then (2004) and now (2011) with a maximum HP of 714.
Blissey is a Normal type pokemon.
You have to evolve a Chansy by making it happy, u can do so by battling with it, feeding it Vitimans, or getting it to hold a soothe bell.
if you mean the egg that makes happiny evolve, no. happiny didnt exist when fire red came out. plus, its impossible to find a wild blissey in the wild. the only way to get it to hold the egg is to migrate it to Pokemon diamond,pearl,platinum,heart gold, or soul silver and then give it to blissey after you catch it in pal park.
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
trade a chansey over from firered/leafgreen and get it to full friendship
What the previous guy meant to say is that Chansey evolves into Blissey with high happiness after you have gained the National Pokedex.
No, she isn't.
Wish Blissey was given out as an event at the New York Pokemon Center. There is no other way for Blissey to learn Wish short of hacking it onto Blissey.