Wish Blissey was given out as an event at the New York Pokemon Center. There is no other way for Blissey to learn Wish short of hacking it onto Blissey.
toxic would be good then teach it substitute and minimize and in battle use substitute first then toxic and then start using minimize alot and also teach it softboiled and use it when your low on hp.
Blissey is a Normal type pokemon.
Blissey`s max HP is 661!
wigglytuff cant learn counter but it can be egged with wish
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
toxic would be good then teach it substitute and minimize and in battle use substitute first then toxic and then start using minimize alot and also teach it softboiled and use it when your low on hp.
This can probably only be done in pokemon black and white 2, you will have to go to a move tutor, forgot which one, and teach it!
try trading heart scales to teach your Pokemon new moves to the guy in pastoria city.
Blissey is a Normal type pokemon.
Blissey`s max HP is 661!
It is a possibility, however you will have to obtain teacher certification within the state you wish to teach. You would have to contact the State Board of Education in the state you wish to teach for detailed information.
wigglytuff cant learn counter but it can be egged with wish
Blissey is #242 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
I Wish I KNEW!
i wish i knew too
Blissey learns Egg Bomb at Lv. 38.