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They work fine but its easier to play them on the floor

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Q: Does ps3 drums work on Wii?
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Can you use wii drums on PS3?

No, it is only compatible with the the system it was made for.

Can you use Guitar Hero drums for PS2 for Guitar Hero for wii?

No you can only use the PS2 drums for PS2 because PS2 drums aren't compatible for Wii or any other console besides PS3

Are World Tour xbox 360 or PS3 drums compatible with Wii?

Probably not, i wouldn't try it.

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No they do not

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For PS3 and Xbox 360, the Band Hero Drums are the same as the GH:WT Drums, so yes they do work. Wii Has the new drums set which is stated to be compatible with previous GH Games

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They do not sell any games that work with both the Wii and PS3. You can mod your 360 to play Wii games but that is illegal and Microsoft will get really mad at you.

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Can you use Wii rock band controllers with the ps3?

No. Wii rock band instruments can only work on the wii

Do the ghwt drums work with rock band 2?

I have the wii and they work on RB2 if they dont use the arrow keys on the wii romote and it will work i sware