Xbox games will not work on a Wii, and Wii games will not work on a Xbox. however, if you mod soft your wii, you can play games from old platforms.
A wii helps you exercise and on the ps3 you can play many games with people from all over the world.So I think that the ps3 is better....but you may have another opinion.
They work fine but its easier to play them on the floor
It really depends on your opinion, but here are my official ratings: Graphics PS3 - 9 360 - 9 WII - 7 Sound PS3 - 8 360 - 9 WII - 8 Popular Games PS3 - 9 360 - 10 WII - 6 Controller PS3 - 8 360 - 8 WII - 7 Responsiveness/Lag PS3 - 9 360 - 9 WII - 8 Overall PS3 - 43/50 360 - 45/50 WII - 36/50
the wii kind
They do not sell any games that work with both the Wii and PS3. You can mod your 360 to play Wii games but that is illegal and Microsoft will get really mad at you.
PC games, xbox games, or wii games wont work on ps3 some models will play PS and ps2 games but some don't depends on the system
The game title does not matter PS3 games are for PS3. Many games for the PS3 also have games that are available in versions for other consoles. You need a Wii version of a game to play on the Wii
No, you can't even get a American ps3 to play American wii games
no Though some PS3 titles are available in versions that can be played on the Wii.
ps3 is a lot better then wii wii is for kids. PS3 has awesome games like infamous call of duty gta Iv and you have blueray
Yes, PS3 games are more expensive than Wii games. Wii games are typically 10 dollars less expensive than the new PS3 games. However, XBox 360 games are usually the same price as PS3 games.
Wii= Kid Games XBOX= Kid and Older Kid Games PS3= Older Kid Games
Nope, the Wii is not cross-platform compatible. Likewise, the PS3 doesn't play Wii games, the XBox360 doesn't play PS3 games, etc.