you can't you will have to buy another one because ps3 discs are always getting scratched if it was a wii disc you could repair it but ps3 discs you can't and ps3 sucks the wii is awsome even the ps2 is better than the ps3
Your disc may be scratched, you can fix that by borrowing the game from a friend and install the game (from the game library tab) and then return it and it should work.
bring it to jb-hi-fi and they have a buffer wich will clean all the scratches off the disc.
Your disc must be faulty or scratched.
either your disc has been scratched or your 360 has problems. If other games work it means the 360 has scratched the disc when you put it in. Hope it helps and i suggest you try out a ps3 LOL.
if you still want to use it try and see if the disc still works. if it doesn't work buy one of those machines that clear scratches if you have money otherwise you will have to throw the disc away and buy a new one.
Often the game disc is scratched and damaged
The disc could be scratched Amazon has new game for only $3.89
Your disc may be scratched, you can fix that by borrowing the game from a friend and install the game (from the game library tab) and then return it and it should work.
bring it to jb-hi-fi and they have a buffer wich will clean all the scratches off the disc.
You replace it with one that is not scratched because most other methods do not work
on what platform? Maybe the disc is scratched
Software will not fix an unreadable disc because it is scratched. PS2 game Discs are not rewriteable and can not be changed so there would be nothing for the software to fix on the disc unless it was a bootleg copy
Try cleaning off the disc by gently wiping it of with a cloth. If the disc is terribly scratched it may not work and you'll have to find another copy of the game to play it.
Go over the scratch with a rubber, it really works
i always wash mine then dry it so it works but
You might have a scratched disc, does it work on another system ok?
Maybe your disc is scratched, where about doesn't it work?, my player mode, menus association?