yes, and you can choose from seven forms. Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Epseon, Umbereon, Leafeon or Glaceon.
No, Eevee does not have to evolve to breed.
you cant evolve eevee into glaceon.
if i get eevee in level 20 what level eevee need to evolve into espeon
No, Eevee does not evolve with a Shiny Stone. Only Togetic, Roselia, and Chillarmy evolve with it.
To make Eevee evolve into a Flareon, you have to expose it to a Fire Stone.
Eevee can not evolve into porygon.
No, Eevee does not have to evolve to breed.
eevee can only evolve once but if you get another eevee (of different gender )and breed with it you can get another eevee and evolve it into something else.
you cant evolve eevee into glaceon.
if i get eevee in level 20 what level eevee need to evolve into espeon
No, Eevee does not evolve with a Shiny Stone. Only Togetic, Roselia, and Chillarmy evolve with it.
To make Eevee evolve into a Flareon, you have to expose it to a Fire Stone.
In order to evolve Eevee into a Jolteon you need to have the thunderstone in your bag, select "use" and then select your Eevee from your Party. You can't evolve it by making it hold onto the Thunder stone.
umm yes it can. if its in the johto league. Answer: you are able to evolve eevee into a espian by leveling eevee up in nightime
Eevee will not evolve because there has not been a new Pokemon invented in which eevee can evolve into.
Shiney eevee would evolve into a shiney flareon.
To make Eevee evolve into a Vaporeon, you have to expose it to a Water Stone.