if i get eevee in level 20 what level eevee need to evolve into espeon
that rock is for getting leafon if you level up an eevee there it will evolve into a leafon The rock in Eterna Forest is nothing until u beat the league It will then let u evoleve EEVEE ___________________________________________________________________ At least in Platinum you can evolve Eevee into Leafeon as soon as you get Eevee. I just got it level 21 (1+ from level 20, the level the girl gives Eevee to you)
All of Eevee's evolutions are Flareon which is a Fire-type and it requires the use of a Fire Stone on Eevee in order for Eevee to evolve into it, Vaporeon which evolves from Eevee once a Water Stone is on it. Vaporeon is a Water-type. Jolteon, an Electric-type which evolves from Eevee once a Thunderstone is used on it. Umbreon, a Dark-type which evolves from Eevee via level up once it's night time and it's happy enough. Espeon, a Psychic-type which evolves from Eevee via level up once it's day time and is happy enough. Leafeon, a Grass type, it will evolve from Eevee once you level it up by the Moss Rock. Glaceon, an Ice type, it will evolve from Eevee once you levelit up by the Icy Rock. Sylveon, a Fairy type and it will evolve via level up from Eevee once it has 2 hearts in Pokémon Amie for affection and it also needs to have a Fairy-type move among one of its moves. Eevee learns Fairy type moves at Levels 9, 20 and 29.
It is suppose to evolve at the Level of 20,but if you want it to evolve later it can evolve anything after it is at Level 20.
at level 20Zigzagoon evolve into Linoone at level 20.
Magikarp evolve at level 20.
my eevee evolve into leafeon at level 60.><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
Level doesn't matter. It has to be happy and it will evolve on the next level. you can make it happy by giving it rare candys vitamins healing it asap whenether hurt or you could give it a exp share put it to the side of your team and let it level up They way to evolve an eevee into an Umberon is to make it happy at night. I sugest leveling it up, giving it poke blocks, or giving it rare candys. Mine evolved at level 20, but the level doesn't matter. To evolve eevee into an Espion is to make it happy during the day. Giving it rare candys, poke blocks, or leveling it up will make it happy. The level doesn't really matter.
that rock is for getting leafon if you level up an eevee there it will evolve into a leafon The rock in Eterna Forest is nothing until u beat the league It will then let u evoleve EEVEE ___________________________________________________________________ At least in Platinum you can evolve Eevee into Leafeon as soon as you get Eevee. I just got it level 21 (1+ from level 20, the level the girl gives Eevee to you)
All of Eevee's evolutions are Flareon which is a Fire-type and it requires the use of a Fire Stone on Eevee in order for Eevee to evolve into it, Vaporeon which evolves from Eevee once a Water Stone is on it. Vaporeon is a Water-type. Jolteon, an Electric-type which evolves from Eevee once a Thunderstone is used on it. Umbreon, a Dark-type which evolves from Eevee via level up once it's night time and it's happy enough. Espeon, a Psychic-type which evolves from Eevee via level up once it's day time and is happy enough. Leafeon, a Grass type, it will evolve from Eevee once you level it up by the Moss Rock. Glaceon, an Ice type, it will evolve from Eevee once you levelit up by the Icy Rock. Sylveon, a Fairy type and it will evolve via level up from Eevee once it has 2 hearts in Pokémon Amie for affection and it also needs to have a Fairy-type move among one of its moves. Eevee learns Fairy type moves at Levels 9, 20 and 29.
Level 20
To be honest, you should evolve Eevee as soon as you get it. The only moves that only Eevee can learn are Growl, Baton Pass, Take Down, Trump card and in some cases, Bite. Evolving Eevee early means that Eevee can learn its evolution's exclusive moves (like Ember for Flareon) that are learned at low levels (Ember is learned at level 15). The only downside to early evolution is that moves are learned at higher levels.
It is suppose to evolve at the Level of 20,but if you want it to evolve later it can evolve anything after it is at Level 20.
Eveelutions: umbreon- dark- reach level 20 at night espeon- psychic- reach level 20 in daytime leafeon- grass- reach level 20 training by mossy stone in eterna forest jolteon- electric- thunderstone glaceon- ice- reach level 20 training by icy stone on route 217 flareon- fire- fire stone
Magikarp evolves into Gyarados at level 20.
at level 20Zigzagoon evolve into Linoone at level 20.
You can use stones at any time (if you want Jolteon, Vaporeon, or Flareon). If you want Espeon (you can't get Umbreon in this game, since there is no nighttime), Eevee needs to have maxed out its happiness--in other words, the woman should say something along the lines of "It couldn't love you any more!" Mine (received as an egg in a trade, no items used) started to want to evolve in the mid-20's. As a strategic note, I would recommend preventing Eevee from evolving into Espeon until level 30, when it learns "bite," meaning that it can very effectively handle other Psychic types. To make your Eevee love you, don't let it faint and keep it out of the box.If you want, you can give it items that up its happiness (the Soothe Bell is a good example).
If you have a female Burmy, it will evolve into Wormadam at level 20. If you have a male Burmy, it will evolve into Mothim, also at level 20.