Yeah... They do... Just get a script and spawn one, then boom. You have one. Or just go to some shooting games. P.P
ROBLOX didn't make them, game makers did.
They cost a lot of robux. Go to gear and the have cupcake cannons, pistols, paintball guns and more.
First select the weapon, then hold or click the left mouse button depending on the weapon. You just shot.
With cool roblox guns like m24 sniper,m1 carbine,etc. also with a sword and other weapons. You have to click when you have a gun to shoot or melee.
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
ROBLOX didn't make them, game makers did.
They cost a lot of robux. Go to gear and the have cupcake cannons, pistols, paintball guns and more.
First select the weapon, then hold or click the left mouse button depending on the weapon. You just shot.
you need to press the 2 squares on the xbox controller and you can select guns in the game on roblox
You have to press P then when you die then gun you picked is used.
With cool roblox guns like m24 sniper,m1 carbine,etc. also with a sword and other weapons. You have to click when you have a gun to shoot or melee.
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
It's literally Roblox.
You probably just need to download the mesh for that particular gun or tool. If your lucky it will say where you can download the mesh in the place description.
Well, it's a opinion NO games are better. But to my opinion it's ROBLOX Here's Why: 1.(Chat) In ROBLOX you can say ZOMGHAX while in Toontown you can't say that also, in ROBLOX you can censor your words and in Toontown its filtered in a more horrible way. 2.(Gameplay) In ROBLOX there's a wide variety of different games (900,000 +) but more lego-ish and more violent. in Toontown there's only one variety and less violent, but it's not lego-ish. 3.(Graphics) Toontown's Graphics are slightly better than ROBLOX. ROBLOX has great graphics but only people without BC have way worser bodys. If your BC alot of BC ROBLOXians's have new looking bodys. 4.(Place/Gameplay 2) In ROBLOX you can insert zombies,nukes,guns etc. In Toontown you have to choose their choice not yours. (their furniture etc.) So ROBLOX wins to me.
right its roblox