im sorry but you cant find it but i know how to GET it...x
you just go to the games corner in veilstone and buy it for 2000 game coins which is about £400'000.
or buy it at the battle tower prize store just out side of battle tower .
for 48bp
k? hope i helped.....X
either at the game coner for 2000 coins or at the battle park for 48 bp
Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.
Tauros, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Donphan, Electivire, and Regigigas learn Giga Impact by leveling up.A lot more learn it by TM.
obtain on the pokewalker or cleadon game corner prize [15,000] coins
The TM that contains Giga Drain is given to you by the Celadon City gym leader Erika after winning a battle against her.
Veilstone Game Corner
He doesn't, you either have to evolve him into Electivire and level him up or teach him Giga Impact via tm
Garchomp cannot learn Giga Impact from leveling up in Pokemon Platinum. Garchomp can learn Giga Impact from the TM that teaches it which is TM68.
either at the game coner for 2000 coins or at the battle park for 48 bp
Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.
Tauros, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Donphan, Electivire, and Regigigas learn Giga Impact by leveling up.A lot more learn it by TM.
In shopping mall nine on route nine. Their motto is "done shopping? Nein"
obtain on the pokewalker or cleadon game corner prize [15,000] coins
You have to teach it by TM. it is TM 68. Also, don't bother teaching a Torterra frenzy plant. It takes ages for it to get to max happiness. Hope i helped :)
The TM that contains Giga Drain is given to you by the Celadon City gym leader Erika after winning a battle against her.
To find tm 19 (Giga Drain) You must first have a grass type pokemon FIRST in your party. Then Surf South of Mount Pyre. You will see a girl looking at the trees near some soil. Talk to her, and only if you have a grass type pokemon in your party FIRST, she will give you Tm 19.
There is a TM giga drain all you have to is use it on breloom to teach it the move.