Yes you do, you will find your rival and when you beat him go up the stair and a sea sicken man will give you cut after you help him with his sickness. Go to the captain after you helped the man and he will give you cut.
no, u cant, u get cut on the s.s. anne.
use Cut u get it on the ss anne
you have to go on the ss anne and find the captin rub his back and he will give it to you
cut down the tree blocking the gym then enter it and figure out the switch puzzle
To get the SS Anne to sail you have to go on board to the Captain's Room and obtain HM01 (Cut) from him. You will have to fight Gary (your rival) to reach him. Once you have HM01, and you leave the ship, it will set sail. To get the SS Anne to sail you have to go on board to the Captain's Room and obtain HM01 (Cut) from him. You will have to fight Gary (your rival) to reach him. Once you have HM01, and you leave the ship, it will set sail.
If you got the SS ticket go to vermillion city and go to the harbor and go on the SS anne. Didn't get the ticket? Go to cerulean city head north then head east to bill's cottage go in and save bill, then go to vermillion. On the SS anne find the captain's room and rub his back and he will give you Cut.
no, u cant, u get cut on the s.s. anne.
use Cut u get it on the ss anne
on the ss anne go to bills thzen get on the boat
it is a boat that you go to the captain and rub his back and he gives you the hm cut
you have to go on the ss anne and find the captin rub his back and he will give it to you
cut down the tree blocking the gym then enter it and figure out the switch puzzle
get it from cptn of SS Anne in vermillion
It will stay forever until you receive the HM Cut from the captain of the ss anne.
You aqquire HM01 Cut on the SS Anne from the Captain.
Board the SS. Anne in Vermilion City, speak with the captain of the SS. Anne (this will require you to face your rival just outside of the room). If you need the S.S. Anne ticket speak with Bill (in clefairy form) at his cottage just north of Cerulean.