you have to go on the ss anne and find the captin rub his back and he will give it to you
Rhydon, in Pokemon FR/LG, does not evolve.
You must trade it over from FR/LG.
Since it's a Kanto Pokemon, it must be traded from FR/LG.
Professor Oak's assitant will give it to you. Oak's assistant WON'T give it to you. He does that in RBY/FR/LG. In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Elder in Sprout Tower will give it to you. In GSC, Flash is a HM, in HG/SS it is a TM.
R/S/E: Trade from FR/LG FR/LG: Evolve water starter D/P/Pt: Trade from FR/LG HG/SS: Evolve Kanto water starter
According to Bulbapedia, the following Pokemon appear by walking around: Zubat, Golbat, Psyduck (FR exclusive), Slowpoke (LG exclusive), Seel, Dewgong, Swinub, Sneasel (LG), and Delibird (FR). The following Pokemon appear by fishing: Magikarp, Poliwag, Goldeen, Psyduck (FR), Poliwhirl, Slowpoke (LG), Gyrados, Horsea (FR), Krabby (LG), Shellder (FR), Kingler (LG), Seadra (FR), and Staryu (LG). The following Pokemon appear by surfing: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Lapras, Psyduck (FR), Slowpoke (LG), Seel, Dewgong, Marill (LG).
No??Its D/P not FR/LG....D/P came after FR/LG so no you cant
Johto Kanto (from Pokemon LG&FR)
You can trade it with a Pokemon from Lg or FR,
It does not exist in LG/FR.
You have to get it from FR/LG.
You need to trade it with a Pokemon from LG or FR,
Trade Kadabra from FR/LG
you dont you have to trade it from FR/LG
You must trade it from FR/LG.
You must trade it from FR/LG.
Rhydon, in Pokemon FR/LG, does not evolve.