cut down the tree blocking the gym then enter it and figure out the switch puzzle
In Pokemon Red, the SS Anne doesnt take you anywhere. You get on, defeat the trainers or get defeated, and then it sails away to wherever it's destination was without you.
celadon city
It will not come back.
Same place the SS Anne was.
this is how to get to the ss anne its in viridian city or a city buy the sea
In Pokemon Red, the SS Anne doesnt take you anywhere. You get on, defeat the trainers or get defeated, and then it sails away to wherever it's destination was without you.
It will stay forever until you receive the HM Cut from the captain of the ss anne.
celadon city
Get HM Cut from SS. Anne Captain
On the SS anne which is in vermillion city.
The truck is not behind the ss anne its to the right of it but you need surf and you must be able to use it out of battle before the ss anne goes away, to prevent it from going away NEVER GET HMCUT.
It will not come back.
Same place the SS Anne was.
Do you mean the SS Anne? It's impossible to miss it. go to bill's home and help him.He'll give you the SS Anne ticket. Go back and board the boat. This is necessary for the completion of the game. I hope I gave you the correct info! Sorry if I didnt!!! this is all I know About the SS Anne.
1. go on the S.S. Anne in Vermillion city 2. battle you're rival 3. rub the seasick captain's back
Board the SS. Anne in Vermilion City, speak with the captain of the SS. Anne (this will require you to face your rival just outside of the room). If you need the S.S. Anne ticket speak with Bill (in clefairy form) at his cottage just north of Cerulean.