Babies are born face down because the crown of the head comes out first so it would make more sence when they come out.
No, face-down monsters are valid tributes, you are not forced to flip them first. There might be one or two cards that do require the tributes to be face up, but these will specify in the effect text.
You can attack your opponent's face-down monsters. You cannot attack his face-down S/T cards though.
Yes, the tributed monster does not have to be face-up at all, it can be tributed while face-down.
Depends on the scanner, but generally: if you load it onto the glass, face down if you load it into a hopper/feeder, face up
A monster in face-down Attack position is unable to declare attacks. It can be flipped or Flip Summoned, both actions will switch it into face-up Attack position. It can also have its battle position change by the controlling player, switching it from face-down Attack position to face-down Defence position.
Down's syndrome babies look different like, - mangolian face, flat nose and flat forehead. -can also have delayed milestones -low IQ.
First find a way to defeat The Riddler. He will come when you are at him. Punch him or throw a Batarang. The cage will come falling down at Two Face at the end.
they would come down to Wilkes-barre Pennsylvania and meet me face to face or come down to my school L.Myers high school
first two~face will come down then you punch him a couple of times then he will jump back up.then the riddler will come down and you do the same thing as you did to two~face.once you beat two~face,the riddler will mind control him then you punch him a couple of times.then the riddler will jump down then you keep punching him
Yes, but most of it is blurry beyond 12inches. But they can see your face when you hold them.
Yes, but most of it is blurry beyond 12inches. But they can see your face when you hold them.
Yes, but make sure she is okay with it first!!
the very first turn where everyone either wrecks or goes and getting landed on when you come down off a jump by another rider
Only if the penalty yards are greater than the yards needed for a first down.
There would seem to be no record of such an event happening. In fact it would be impossible face down.
It is said that Moses spoke to God face to face. This is in the Torah. Exodus and Deuteronomy, I believe.
During 'Al-Soujoud' that is when you come to face down on earth.