you press action replay codes on Pokemon soul silver
Just put Action replay into your DS's Game slot and turn it on then when the Action replay screen comes up then take out Action replay and replace it with your game card then press the star ,select the codes you want and press start
If it doesn't have a slot on the top of it then you probably bought Action Replay DS, not Action Replay DSi. To use Action Replay DS you type in the code you want, check-mark the codes you want to use, then pop out your Action Replay DS ( while the DS in on!) and pop in the game you have the codes on for, then press start game. If you have Action Replay DS then when you pop out your Action Replay it won't freeze, so you can still start up your game with the codes.
After Action Replay is loaded, you can take the game card out. Then, you will be able to use it's features without the action replay game card (you usually put in the game you wish to hack) * This is wrong, I mean that take the game card out and still have action replay in the ds but without the game card while playing a game.
You have to buy an action replay.
The reason for the action replay is basically for you to have cheat codes for your ds but in order for them to work is for you to look up action replay codes and figure out how to enter them into your action replay card
You can't use an SD Card with an GameCube.
yes you do or you can not use action replay why do you think there called action replay codes you disgrace to the smartness pf Earth!!!
If a Flash card will work with your DS, then you can use Action Replay codes, not the Action Replay itself. Here is a quick guide on getting cheats on an R4 (method easily transferable):
Yes, Action Replay DS is required to use the codes.
Sorry, it's impossible to use Action Replay Codes without in Action Replay. If there was what would be the point of selling them?
no and no. You can only use the codes on the disc.
You have to buy a action replay cartridge. Then go on codes and type in the codes.
No, you need action replay for gamecube.
same way as you do to all action replay codes
you press action replay codes on Pokemon soul silver