yep if u buy an action replay a code it comes with (for ds) is pokeballs act as if they were master balls. the code is only conpatible with diamond pearl; possibly platinum
To make any normal Pokeball (not Great or Ultra Ball, just your normal, average, everday Pokeball) a Master Ball, do this: when you throw the ball, hold down A and B, but from the time that the Pokemon goes into the ball to the time that it hits the ground, hold B and Select. Works nearly all the time if you have perfect timing. I caught kyoger and rayquaza with it!
It's possible, but it's harder to catch them. So I suggest using the master ball. Another thing you might ry is before using any other pokeball, weaken them to the red and put them to sleep or any other status effect. Then try throwing a pokeball other than the master ball. Hope this helps you. nvrmnd don't use the master ball if you have any try to catch it with a lvl. ball i did
When catching Celebi, you should have a cherish ball. Throw it and it will be an instant catch. (DO NOT USE A MASTER BALL OR ANY OTHER BALL.)
get an action replay
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
a master ball preferably but any ball will work with a bit of luck
Any pokeball can capture mespirit. If you were fast enough to use block, it is like a regular battle. If not, use a master ball or a different ball.
You can use any pokeball unfortunately it has a low catch rate so it can be difficult to catch it even with a ultra ball
To make any normal Pokeball (not Great or Ultra Ball, just your normal, average, everday Pokeball) a Master Ball, do this: when you throw the ball, hold down A and B, but from the time that the Pokemon goes into the ball to the time that it hits the ground, hold B and Select. Works nearly all the time if you have perfect timing. I caught kyoger and rayquaza with it!
The best Poke Ball to use on any legendary Pokemon is usually the Master Ball.
It's possible, but it's harder to catch them. So I suggest using the master ball. Another thing you might ry is before using any other pokeball, weaken them to the red and put them to sleep or any other status effect. Then try throwing a pokeball other than the master ball. Hope this helps you. nvrmnd don't use the master ball if you have any try to catch it with a lvl. ball i did
When catching Celebi, you should have a cherish ball. Throw it and it will be an instant catch. (DO NOT USE A MASTER BALL OR ANY OTHER BALL.)
If you have a Master Ball, and you aren't saving it, then use that. Otherwise, an Ultra Ball works well. Any other ball would work. I caught one with a regular Pokeball. Use the most powerful one you have.
sorry only cheat :)
To catch Palkia, First Damage it, Use a Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Dusk Ball or any other kind of ball. Or just use a Master Ball.
get an action replay
The way to utilize the infinite Master Ball glitch is use the Master Ball in any battle with your first Pokémon and then on your second turn, switch the place of the Master Ball with any other Poké Ball.