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Yes, you can level any skills, regardless of level, up to level 100. Although if you are using the PC version, you can open up the game console (there are many online guides on how to enable this) and use console commands to improve all skills to 255. The reason for this is the use of a binary value for skill levels.

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Q: Can you still level minor skills after reaching maximum level in Oblivion?
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What is the maximum combat level in RuneScape?

On free servers, the maximum combat level a player can attain is level 126, once level 99 has been reached in all non-member combat skills. On members servers, due to the Summoning skill, players can reach a combat level of 138 by reaching level 99 in allcombat skills.Please note that on free servers, combat levels gained from Summoning will be omitted (players with level 138 combat will show up as having level 126 combat, for example).

What is the highest level in swords and sandals 2?

In Swords and Sandals 2, the highest level a player can reach is Level 50. Achieving this level requires a significant amount of gameplay, strategic decision-making, and combat proficiency. Players must carefully manage their character's attributes, skills, and equipment to progress through the game and ultimately reach the maximum level. Reaching Level 50 signifies a high level of dedication and skill in mastering the game.

What is the highest level possible in RuneScape?

The highest combat level that can be attained by free players is 126, while members can reach a maximum combat level of 138. On free servers, a player's combat level will not be higher than level 126, as combat levels due to the Summoning skill are omitted. The highest skill level you can level up to is 120, in the Dungeoneering skill. In all other RuneScape skills, the maximum level is level 99 (though this can be boosted temporarily through means such as potions). The highest total level currently attainable is 1614 for free to play players and 2496 for members.

How do you get full elven armor in oblivion?

once u start get higher in level bandits and random bad guys will start wearing it

How do you evolve a feebas in Pokemon platinum?

You have to level up feebas with maximum beauty, which can be done by giving it poffins. It can evolve at any level as long as it has maximum beauty.

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How do you level up skills in oblivion?

you use them

How do you get very high magicka on oblivion?

you level up and then upgrade your magic skills

What is the highest level on oblivion ps3 game?

Its depends on your race and major skills... but i think the max level is beween 55-65 depending on the choice of race and major skills...

What city in oblivion do you train to become marksman journeyman?

You don't need to be in a city to level up skills.

If you max out all your major skills in oblivion how do you get your level higher?

No, you can only level up with your major skills, minor skills will only give you extra points in your attributes when you level up.

Is level 38 high enough level to get a dragon in oblivion?

There are no dragons in oblivion.

If you level up all your major skills in oblivion can you level your WHOLE rank up with minor or should you rank up all the minor before you reach max?

you can't level up with minor skills. only your major skills level you up. you can still level up minor skills even after you reach your max.

How do you get to level 100 oblivion Xbox 360?

I believe its impossible because no matter what race and major skills you pick...there is no way to get to level 100...then again you can use mods...

What is the maximum combat level in RuneScape?

On free servers, the maximum combat level a player can attain is level 126, once level 99 has been reached in all non-member combat skills. On members servers, due to the Summoning skill, players can reach a combat level of 138 by reaching level 99 in allcombat skills.Please note that on free servers, combat levels gained from Summoning will be omitted (players with level 138 combat will show up as having level 126 combat, for example).

What is the highest level for a non member on runescape?

For free to play the highest combat level is 126. All skills available on free to play have a maximum level of 99. The skills you unlock as a member have a cap of level 99 as well, but you can increase your combat level to 138.

Does The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion have a level cap?

yes but its only caused by having not enuf skills to level up I'm lveve 48 and i have 5 level 100 states so theirs not much to level up however in theory you could go to jail loos some levels then level up agen i dont know if this decreases your level as well as skills

What is the highest level in swords and sandals 2?

In Swords and Sandals 2, the highest level a player can reach is Level 50. Achieving this level requires a significant amount of gameplay, strategic decision-making, and combat proficiency. Players must carefully manage their character's attributes, skills, and equipment to progress through the game and ultimately reach the maximum level. Reaching Level 50 signifies a high level of dedication and skill in mastering the game.