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On free servers, the maximum combat level a player can attain is level 126, once level 99 has been reached in all non-member combat skills. On members servers, due to the Summoning skill, players can reach a combat level of 138 by reaching level 99 in allcombat skills.

Please note that on free servers, combat levels gained from Summoning will be omitted (players with level 138 combat will show up as having level 126 combat, for example).

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Q: What is the maximum combat level in RuneScape?
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Is there a limit to how strong you can get on RuneScape?

Yes; there basically is a limit how strong you can be in Runescape , melee wise is level 99 Attack and level 99 Strength.Magic and range is the same , max levels are 99.The maximum combat level in P2P [ Members ] is level 138.The maximum combat level in F2P is level 126.

What is the highest level possible in RuneScape?

The highest combat level that can be attained by free players is 126, while members can reach a maximum combat level of 138. On free servers, a player's combat level will not be higher than level 126, as combat levels due to the Summoning skill are omitted. The highest skill level you can level up to is 120, in the Dungeoneering skill. In all other RuneScape skills, the maximum level is level 99 (though this can be boosted temporarily through means such as potions). The highest total level currently attainable is 1614 for free to play players and 2496 for members.

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They are level 124.

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What is the highest level for a non member on runescape?

For free to play the highest combat level is 126. All skills available on free to play have a maximum level of 99. The skills you unlock as a member have a cap of level 99 as well, but you can increase your combat level to 138.

Whats the hightist level you can get on runescape?

Level 126 combat in free to play and level 138 combat for members.

What combat level are wearwolfs on RuneScape?

88 and 93.

Where to train melee on runescape?

Depends on your combat level

What is the best combat level to use dragon claws on runescape?

I would have to say combat level 89 or 77

In runescape what level are the bronze dragons?

A bronze dragon's combat level is 124.

Can a combat level 55 go into the low level crater in runescape?


How do you check your level on runescape?

go to combat or levels menu