You cannot redo the mission for another Manaphy egg; the mission is a one time completion only. Even restarting the game won't reset the mission.
There is no trainer in Pokemon Platinum with a Manaphy. However, you can trade with someone who has a Manaphy, or complete the special Ranger mission in Pokemon Ranger and transfer the Manaphy egg over to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
the egg hatches manaphy since manaphy and phione are different pokemon. it takes about 5000-10000 steps
to get phione you simply get manaphy from Pokemon ranger (the old version) and put it in day care with a ditto they will have a egg & that egg is a phione egg!!
No offenese, but if you want a Manaphy, you have to getPokemon Rangers, Shadows of Alma and complete theRetrive The Manaphy Egg. Then read the instructions bookto see how to get Manaphy Egg on Pearl.
i am not sure but probably so the only ones that do not are the legendary and starter except for manaphy who's egg is another Pokemon
you have to do the mission in Pokemon rangers(manaphy egg mission)and trade it to your platinum you can get phione by breeding manaphy with ditto at the day care.(its not fair to have 2 games for just a Pokemon in platinum)
you can only gety it once you've completed Pokemon ranger 2 and have done the extra mission with the manaphy egg
It's not, it's on Pokemon Ranger, once the mission is complete, you can transfer a Manaphy Egg to Pearl or Diamond
You go to a person with Pokemon Ranger that did the Mystery Egg Mission.
Pokemon ranger, ranger net find manaphy egg mission compleat it put manaphy egg on dimond pearl or platinum hach it then breed with ditto
Yes you can but you must have Pokemon ranger shadows of Almia And then go to the poke-mart after doing the manaphy egg mission!
It's Manaphy, you can get it with Pokemon ranger. Do the special Manaphy mission and send over the Manaphy egg to pearl or diamond.
To receive a Manaphy in Pokemon Platinum, you must send over a Manaphy Egg from the game Pokemon Ranger after completing a special mission involving Manaphy.
The only way to get a Manaphy is to beat Pokemon Ranger, do the bonus mission where you save a Manaphy egg, then transfer the egg over to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, then trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
To get a Phione, you have to buy the original Pokemon Ranger, complete the game and then trade over the Manaphy egg you get after completing the extra mission. Then hatch the egg and breed the Manaphy with a Ditto. Now you have a Phione egg!