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No offenese, but if you want a Manaphy, you have to getPokemon Rangers, Shadows of Alma and complete theRetrive The Manaphy Egg. Then read the instructions bookto see how to get Manaphy Egg on Pearl.

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Q: Where can you find manaphy without action replay on Pokemon pearl?
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How can you get phione in Pokemon platinum without manaphy and Ditto?

Use action replay code..

Pokemon platinum Where is manaphy?

you cannot get manaphy without action replay if you go to the Pokemon mansion with the garden theres a book you can read that will add it to your pokedex

How do you get Phione using the action replay?

Pokemon Modefier. You can get it without the Action Replay. To get it without the Action Replay, you get Ditto (Poke Radar at the route between Jubilife City and Canalave City) and a Manaphy (I have no idea to get Manaphy, possibly something with Pokemon Ranger) and put them in the daycare. Come back and get them and they have made a Phione egg.

How do you get manphy without action replay?

You have to send the manaphy egg to your Pokemon game from a Pokemon ranger. Hope it helped! :) :) :) :) ^^ U

How do you get manaphy in diamond without action replay or Pokemon ranger?

You go to a Nintendo Event or you can trade from a friend.

How co you get manaphy in Pokemon Platinum?

you can with action replay,or trasfert it from Pokemon rangers.

What are all the Event Pokemon that you can get in Pearl without Action Replay or Wi-Fi Connection?

shaymin, manaphy, and phione

How do you duplicate legendary Pokemon?

get action replay or you put manaphy and ditto in the daycare it will turn out as phoine (u get manaphy from Pokemon ranger)

Were to find manaphy in Pokemon diamond without getting the nathanal pokedex?

YOU HAVE TO HAVE ACTION REPLAY. if you don't then youre STUFFED. click on the manaphy code on action replay and start the game. hold L and R and walk into a poke mart (shop) the green man at the counter will give you a manaphy egg IF you have a spareslot in your Pokemon team. THERE. NOW ARE YOU HAPPY?????

How do you add manaphy to the Sinnoh dex?

By Action Replay, Or trade it from Pokemon ranger

What trainer has a manaphy in Pokemon platinum?

No trainer has it but there is a action replay code ofr it