yea you can download it on and save it to your computer. Then have an R4i chip, which will be the game you insert in the dsi, but you will save the downloaded game on a memory stick from your computer. The memory stick will be inserted in the R4i chip. Hope it helps
Yes, as long as the Pokemon game is a DS Pokemon game. Since the DSi does not have slot 2, it cannot play GBA Pokemon games Therefore the DSi can play: - Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Pokemon Black, Black 2, White, and White 2
Pokemon Emerald was only released as a GBA cartridge, the DSi XL has no GBA slot so you can't play it.
Yes, the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi can link together to play Pokemon. Keep in mind that games such as Pokemon Diamond and HeartGold cannot link with Pokemon Black (2) and White (2) for battling and trading.
You cannot play it online.
What are you talking about? Pokemon games are played in Nintendo DS' or Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL. The games avalible are Pokemon Heartgold, Pokemon Soulsilver, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Dimond, these games are played on the Nintendo DSi, DS, and Nintendo DSi XL. You can also play games online, Play on the official site,
Yes, as long as the Pokemon game is a DS Pokemon game. Since the DSi does not have slot 2, it cannot play GBA Pokemon games Therefore the DSi can play: - Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Pokemon Black, Black 2, White, and White 2
yes, you can....
They wouldn't have made the DSi if you couldn't play DS games on it. So yes, you can.
Pokemon Emerald was only released as a GBA cartridge, the DSi XL has no GBA slot so you can't play it.
Yes, all DS games are compatible with the DSi.
you play it
You can just buy gameshark which is less of a trouble since you can use pokemon ruby I need help tring to hack pokemon emrald but ruby is a lot easier you can buy a Microsd card & plug it in buy a pendrive or something that can gold a sd card & plug into the computer then you will have to download a lot of crap on youtube & extract the files into your sd card then there should be a left slot on your ar dsi if there is not you got the latest version when you plug in your sd card into your ar dsi & go to files and there you have it