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Yes, if you're playing a 1st-5th generation Pokemon game. In 6th generation games, you won't be able to due to Electric Pokemon being immune to paralysis.

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Q: Can you paralyze Zapdos
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How do you catch zapatos?

Go to the Power Plant, enter a battle with Zapdos, lower Zapdos's HP as far as possible, paralyze, freeze, or make Zapdos go to sleep, and throw PokeBalls at it.

Where do you capture Zapdos on Pokemon XD?

Grand Master Greevill has shadow zapdos to catch it weaken it to red hp then paralyze it use many ultra balls when your running out try timer balls i caught it with a timer ball.

Where do you catch Zapdos in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You catch Zapdos in the power plant by rock tunnel. There should be a level 50 Zapdos. If you want to catch it there is 2 options.1. Waste your master ball.2. Sleep,poison,paralyze,or freeze it, then keep using ultra balls.( it is impossible for a regular pokeball)yep the guy above is correct. Use ultra balls and paralyze zapdos. Buy about 30 to 35 balls but take zapdos to 1 hp before using ultra balls.I caught one with a Great-Ball. I did'nt do anything to the CUTIE Zapdos(look at it's eyes!) It is heathy when i just caught one! I just don't know how to get to the power plant. Ah, my Venasour is AWSOME! PS don't call me guy. I am a girl

How do you catch Zapdos in xd gale of darkness?

Zapdos is one of greevills shadow Pokemon catching it is no easy task the best way to capture it is to eliminate all of greevills other Pokemon that way zapdos is the only one left and then use this strategy: Weaken it as far as you can and try to paralyze it or make it go to sleep then use lots of timer balls they usually work on zapdos for some reason.

How do you get zapados?

Power plant its around rock tunnel opn the cerulean side u surf down the river until u find it there is a maze inside and beware some items are voltorb/electrode

How do you catch Zapdos in Pokemon Blue?

To catch Zapdos you have to go to the power plant in Pokemon blue you also might need lots of poke balls because zapados is really hard to catch also try and and put him to sleep or paralyze him or freeze him and lower down his health so its easier to catch him.

Is this the correct spelling for paralyze?

paralyze is the correct spelling

Is paralyze a noun?

Paralyze is a verb. The noun is paralysis.

When was I Paralyze created?

I Paralyze was created on 1982-05-28.

What is the antonym for paralyze?

incited mobilized stimulated

Who is stronger zapdos or Giratina?


When was Lullabies to Paralyze created?

Lullabies to Paralyze was created on -20-11-08.